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Every hobby needs organization, every project needs a place. Erin.Lane bags helps you turn your fiber pasttime into neat and organized endeavor. Our project bags, totes, and needle and notions organizers are everything you need to keep your fiber arts from fraying.
No creative person wants to waste their most precious resource - their time - on an unsuccessful project.
Infinite Twist takes the guess work out of yarn and color selection by providing what-you-see-is-what-you-get knitting kits featuring visually striking hand-dyed colors.
Whether you're a beginner or an advanced knitter, our kits make your life easier and save you money. Say goodbye to hunting for the right sized needle only to find it's occupied by another project, or having to buy an entire skein to get a tiny amount of a necessary accent color. We even offer free shipping worldwide on all orders above $30!
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Do you live in Northern California or have plans to visit in the near future? If so, hop aboard Jimmy’s Biggest Little Bus Tour! Once a month, a chartered bus will drive passengers from the Bay Area and Sacramento Valley through the beautiful Tahoe forest to Jimmy Beans in Reno, Nevada. Once there, you’ll spend an exciting day shopping Jimmy’s HUGE warehouse, meeting knitting celebrities, taking classes and, of course, KNITTING!! To find dates and locations near you, head to
Join Little Skein for an Outlander celebration. Our new shawl kit, Time Traveler, is in the shop now, with an inspired shawl pattern, exclusive yarn colorways and more. Project bags are currently sold out, but will be back in September. See everything in our Time Traveler collection at

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On the Needles:(0:36)
Jasmin has started on the Christmas sweaters. She is using the Lykke needles
She is using the child's drop shoulder sweater recipe from Ann Budd's Handy Book of Sweaters
Jasmin is excited about the child friendly Brittany needles.
We started a new Knitalong August 1st. This is a design from Romi Hill with yarn from Lorna's Laces String Quintet kit. It is the #3PartHarmonyKal!. You can find details in our ravelry thread.
Gigi tried starting second chart B.
Jasmin is working on her Tale as Old as Time cowl She is excited about Knitter's Pride having color coded cables.
Gigi knitted two preemie hats out of cotton yarn. Not enough left to make a third hat, but plenty for Pom poms. Also knitted one meathead hat from the knitalong book we reviewed
9 neon green done, 7 yellow done, 6 tomato red squares done, 4 orange
Cable from knitpicks came in. One year warranty on purchases.
We are looking for a term for a knitter's year, that starts and ends with a knitting event. Put your suggestions in this weeks episode thread.
We are contacting Do Some Good and Grinchalong winners this week and will ship prizes as we get mailing addresses. (More prizes shipped last week)
Also, #OperationSockDrawer, and #ProjectSweaterChest have started up again. Entries will be judged on the basis of originality and delightfulness.
Mother Knows Best:(23:58)
This week we answer a question from the "What do you want to hear about" thread about
When Knitting Attacks:(35:05)
Gigi was working on the #3PartHarmonyKal, section 3. She reversed the main color and the contrast color. She picked up stitches a few rows down
This week we review Vicki Steifel's Chest of Bone, The Knit Collection.
This Book is a companion to the book: Chest of Bone
Straw into Gold:(52:21)
Drop spindle plying.
And Sew On:(54:33)
Fabric at Beverly’s was giving Gigi come hither looks. Piece turned out to be too short.
Gigi prepped Genevieve's Frozen blanket.
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