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This week's episode is sponsored by:
Are you a Smasher or a Popper?People tell us the most amazing. Jaw-dropping amazing personal things, and really helpful things - about all the time. After many years of listening we can share that unofficially/officially, our customers fall into two categories. DIY Smashers and Poppers. Huh? Well, as you know, Lo-Lo Bars and To-Go Bars come in little round delicious smelling solid disks that pop out of the can. If you pop the bar out of the can, you're a popper. But, if when the bar arrives, you dive right into smashing that bar into the can - well, you're a DIY Smasher. Either way works because all that really matters is that it works for you. There is one side note. If you have ever left your bar in a very warm place and found that the disk is more of a suave, you are a smasher by default. The product is still good to use. Smash or Pop away - we want you to have it your way! So, are you a Smasher or a Popper?

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(0:30)
Gigi is half done with the front of the Dr. Watson sweater. Jasmin finished the Dark Side of the Moon socks by Fab Funky Fibres. #operationsockdrawer. Gigi has been working on Fluoromania socks. We are also excited about WEBS Neon Now sock yarn. #matchymatchyKAL.
Jasmin mentioned the matchy-matchy Kal, the Barberry cardigan. She is also talking about the Carli that she knitted for a Knitmore-A-Long, and leftover Little Lovely Malabrigo, that she is knitting into a Wonderful Wallaby by Cottage Creations.
Jasmin mentions Genevieve's Little Oak cardigan out of Skinny Bugga. On Finishing Friday, Gigi wove in ends on the Color Affection, and she sewed on googly eyes and wove in ends on the Something Fishy Socks.
Jasmin finished her SPAKAL sweater! We are planning to start the next SPAKAL with the next Tour de Fleece. We are opening the thread on the forum for SPAKAL 2014.
We mention labels for our SPAKALs. $1.50 gets as many of the labels as you need in a 1 oz envelope. (This is for US listeners; International listeners, please PM Jasmin on Ravelry with your address for your shipping cost.)
We will be attending:
- June 7th, Fleeces, Food and Fun, at the Retzlaff Winery
We announced the winners of the Halo's of Hope #podcasterthrowdown.
In Stitches:(22:25)
Gigi wore her previously loved cardi, and her Best Friend cardi. Genevieve wore the LGordon555 hat.
Mother Knows Best:(24:43)
We talked about finding things we talked about earlier in the show notes search box, like the Knitted graft.
When Knitting Attacks:(29:09)
Gigi was attacked by her sewing and managed to sew a sleeve to a neckline.
This week we are purloining from the TV Knitting Podcast, hosted by StitchMistress. We talk about Shear Madness, on the National Geographic Wild channel.
This week we review Botanical Knits 2, by Alana Dakos
Jasmin mentions Uncommon Threads in Los Altos and their Tree of Life sweater.
Straw Into Gold:(46:14)
Gigi is going her homework for the spinning classes she is taking at Spin U at Purlescence. this week it is 2oz 18 to 20 wpi at 20% twist. Reading assignments are out of The Alden Amos Big Book of Handspinning
And Sew On:(47:46)
Gigi has been working on a muslin for Melanie of the Savvy Girls podcast. She looked up a sleeve alteration in Fast Fit
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