This week's episode is sponsored by:
Want a great deal on a great yarn? Check out our Calder special! We
got a deal on giant, 10 ounce skeins of this wonderful sportweight
SuperWash merino, and we are passing that deal on to you. Just one skein
will make a child size sweater or baby blanket. Two to three for an
adult. This special us only available until these skeins are gone, so
hop on over to and grab some up for yourself!
East coast fans got to meet the face of Lo-Lo last weekend when
Bar-Maids hit the Big Apple and debuted their full product line at Vogue
Knitting Live. The ouuuuu's and ahhhhh's were a constant buzz at the
Bar-Maids booth as customers got up close and personal. And though the
Bar-Maids gals hit the town wearing their signature rosé colored
glasses, it was the new scent, Juicy Pear, that intrigued New York fans.
Fans were entertained by the sheer brilliance of those Bar-Maid gals
when the internet failed. Quickly devising a plan which involved
standing on a chair with the IPad register held high overhead and in a
slightly northeast direction, connection was successful and sales
commenced. Those rumors that New Yorkers are pushy and rude are simply
not true. East Coast fans patiently waited their turn for the forty or
more customers in front to make their purchases. And yes, disappointment
was noted by a very different ahhhh...when Juicy Pear, Lavender Lil'
and Hookah Girl sold out. Much lively banter was had by all and this
cure got things moving. If you missed Bar-Maids at Vogue Knitting Live
last weekend, good news, now that they've had a taste of the big apple,
Bar-Maids will be back for more.

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(0:38)
Gigi is ready to put heels on four vanilla socks. She has washed her matchy-matchy swatch, and is waiting for it to dry. Jasmin is knitting on both of her matchy-matchy sweaters in the Barberry design out of Rothko and Calder and enjoying it a lot. #matchy-matchy KAL.
Jasmin is working on socks for #operation sockdrawer. She also is very pleased that her Sgt Pepper and 15 Color Rainbow socks from FabFunkyFibres are colorfast and held up beautifully to the washer and dryer.
Jasmin is working on two pairs of dk weight from Fancy Image Yarns. Gigi is insisting that the knitted Kitchener Stitch is even better than the sewn Kitchener stitch. Jasmin mentions Pattons Kroy sock yarn.
Gigi is working on the Mostly Warmness wristers by Martina Behm out of Schoppelwolle in Wunderkleckse.
2/20-23: Stitches West 2014.
The Meet-and-Greet is scheduled from 11:30 to 12:30 on Saturday the 20th in The Purlescence Yarns booth.
Prizes for the #PodcasterThrowdown:
A lovely skein of Lollipop Yarn in the colorway Sweet Child o' Mine.
A skein from Great Lakes Hand Dyed. #themapples
Sivia Harding's Sister Joan Shawl, knit by Gigi
From FabFunkyFibres: a skein of 15 color rainbow merino/cashmere/nylon
Jasmin's handspun:
- In the Air Tonight, superwash, 328yds, Crown Mountain Farms
- Violet Cherry, Pidgeonroof Studios, 402 Superwash BFL (187) 374 yds
- Atlantis Superwash Merino, Crown Mountain Farms, 500 yds
There will be a little something special for anyone who brings a hat for Halos to Stitches West, and bonus swag for preemie hats.
Gigi has donated 14 hats so far.
We mention the 2 Kni tLit Chicks mixer on Saturday 2 to 6 in the afternoon in the bar.
In Stitches:(15:33)
Gigi has been wearing socks, wristers and her Knitmore cowl.
Jasmin has been wearing socks and her Tempest cardigan.
Mother Knows Best:(19:02)
This week we answer a question from the "What to you want to hear about?" thread about knitting a first sweater, and sweaters for a pear shaped body.
Jasmin mentions CocoKnits and recommends the Ribby Cardy. We mention Old Navy for good value jeans. Jasmin also recommends Little Red in the City
This week we are purloining "Munch, Burp, Slurp" and "Playful Parenting" from the A Playful Day podcast.
Jasmin references The New York Times Dessert Cookbook
This week we review Scottish Knits
We mention the Tam and Mitts from Hitch
We talk about Outlander
Jasmin mentions Fair Isle Sweaters Simplified
Ravellenic Training:(46:40)
Week Six of Ravellenic Training. Establish your knitting support. Jasmin talks about Team Sasquatch and the Pit Crew thread. Here are the Original Knitting Olympics rules, as originally posted by the Yarn Harlot.
Straw Into Gold:(48:25)
Gigi has started Spin U at Purlescence, and is very pleased with all the things she is learning.
Jasmin talks about her phone conversation with Sherry from Morro Fleece Work, and mentions Woolbur
And Sew On:(52:57)
Gigi attended the third session of her moulage class.
I chose your show to keep me company while I machine sewed and cut the steeks on my Philosopher's Wool sweater. Thanks for cheering me on. Now I can go lie down!