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This week's episode is sponsored by:
No matter what you need, the barmaids have you covered from head to toe. Face pudding to keep you smiling, Lolo lips keep them kissable, probiotic deodorant for keeping you fresh as a rose, oh for feet’s sake to keep your feet soft and sandal ready, and the Lolo body bar for everything in between. You can find all this - and more! at
Every hobby needs organization, every project needs a place. Erin.Lane bags helps you turn your fiber pasttime into neat and organized endeavor. Our project bags, totes, and needle and notions organizers are everything you need to keep your fiber arts from fraying.
No creative person wants to waste their most precious resource - their time - on an unsuccessful project.
Infinite Twist takes the guess work out of yarn and color selection by providing what-you-see-is-what-you-get knitting kits featuring visually striking hand-dyed colors.
Whether you're a beginner or an advanced knitter, our kits make your life easier and save you money. Say goodbye to hunting for the right sized needle only to find it's occupied by another project, or having to buy an entire skein to get a tiny amount of a necessary accent color. We even offer free shipping worldwide on all orders above $30!
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Remember those holiday advent calendars that revealed a piece of chocolate each day? Imagine that but with yarn and notions instead! Jimmy Beans Wool presents their 2017 Craftvent Calendar: a 24-day mystery knit-along counting down to the holidays! Beginning December 1st, you’ll open each compartment of the calendar to reveal scrumptious yarns, notions, and pattern clues to knit your way to a stunning shawl by Christmas Eve. To pre-order your Craftvent Calendar now, visit!
Love gradients? Everyone at Knitcircus loves them so much we keep
creating new colors! Choose long-striping gradients for shawls and
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right amount for your project. Every cake is made with one continuous
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yarns are dyed with love in Wisconsin by women who love to knit.

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We are signal boosting: XRX is donatng half of the entry fees from Stitches Texas to Hurricane Harvey Relief to the Houston Food Bank.
Also, this is the link to donate blanket squares to the Welcome Blanket project. Jasmin mentions Elizabeth Green and relief bins. and Amazon wish lists.
On the Needles:(0:34)
All the neon green, yellow, tomato red, and orange is done. and she is knitting the petroleum blue.
Jasmin is looking for a tutorial to built itty bitty blocking frames.
Jasmin has started on the Christmas sweaters. She is using the Lykke needles
She is using the child's drop shoulder sweater recipe from Ann Budd's Handy Book of Sweaters
We started a new Knitalong August 1st. This is a design from Romi Hill with yarn from Lorna's Laces String Quintet kit. It is the #3PartHarmonyKal!. You can find details in our ravelry thread.
Gigi started the second chart B. She is using Knitters Pride needles and cables, using the iPad for the chart with the Goodreader app.
Jasmin restarted her Harmonize shawl! Hooray for not being a quitter.
Outlander will start up pretty soon. Listening to Frock Flicks podcast. Interesting, in depth discussion of styles, good content. Lots of profanity.
We are contacting Do Some Good and Grinch-along winners this week and will ship prizes as we get mailing addresses. (More prizes shipped last week)
Also, #OperationSockDrawer, and #ProjectSweaterChest have started up again. Entries will be judged on the basis of originality and delightfulness.
Mother Knows Best:(39:59)
This week we answer a question from the "What do you want to hear about" thread about Goodreader app. vs knitcompanion. She mentions the Celestarium, and Boston Jen's Goodreader Class [link coming once we've got it]!
When Knitting Attacks:(44:41)
Gigi was working on the #3PartHarmonyKal, section 3. She figured out what she did wrong last week. To fix it, she cheated the pattern.
High note Low note. From Paula of the Knitting Pipeline
Hurricane Harvey: Kudos to the Cajun Navy and all other people who volunteered
This week we review Hunter Hammersen’s Silk Road Socks
And Sew On:(58:05)
Fabric from Beverly’s wanted to be the dress with the midriff detail. Gigi needs to figure out how to make the yardage be enough. She mentions pin fitting.
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