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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! We have been talking about the Bar-Maids House
Special: Knitmore Girls #2 lately. The Bar-Maids, the Knitmore Girls,
and some amazing indies have collaborated to make an amazing, exclusive
collection! There are only seven left, so don’t miss out. The contents
are priceless; the cost less than $99.00

You've been requesting it for a long time now, and Erin.Lane Bags is finally going to make all your dreams come true.
Erin.Lane Bags has just opened up its Custom Shop, a place where you can order your favorite project bags and totes in fabrics that you pick out and send in to be made into the perfect bags.
It's easy to get started on your Custom Shop order. Just visit and click on "Custom Shop" in the Menu. Following the instructions, fill out the Order Form, and send in your fabrics.
Start picking those fabrics now, and get your order in today to be the first in your knitting group with a custom Erin.Lane bag.

Infinite Twist produces unique and luxurious hand-spun yarns that are crafted in a socially responsible way. Spun from hand-painted roving and hand-blended batts, our hand-spun yarns are a tactile delight for knitters. We also offer project kits that take the guess-work out of yarn and color selection, and hand-dyed mill-spun yarns in striking semi-solid colors. Find out more by visiting, or find us on Ravelry and Instagram as infinite twist. Sign up for our newsletter for a free knitting pattern every month, and don’t forget to use offer code “knitmore”!

Did you get a spinning wheel or spindle for a holiday gift? We know that there are lots of you out there who have begun to spin and Lisa Souza Dyeworks at has just what you are looking for. Beautiful hand dyed combed top is available in several different wool types as well as phenomenal silk blends. Lisa Souza is also producing fabulously soft blended batts with such combinations as merino, cashmere and Tencel. Dreamy!
In the Placerville area for a visit? Give Lisa a call and come by for a visit!
On the Needles:(0:33)
Jasmin has been been working on the Bifrost scarf from Infinite Twist.
She also cast on a pair of legwarmers for Genevieve out of Simply Socks Poste Self-Striping Yarn in the Electric Avenue colorway, to go with the My Little Pony Shoes.
Gigi has been working on the on the Polygon blanket, by TincanKnits out of Black Trillium Fibres, Sublime DK superwash merino Gradient kits: Coral, Tidewater, Ursa. Each piece takes about one hour, and each ball yields about 5 hexagons.
Jasmin cast on and started the Poly Chevron Cowl with the Black Trillium “Frank it up” kit.
Gigi knitted a baby hat in the Barley pattern.
She also marathoned two podcasts, Fiber Knitche and Backstage Knitting.
Also, we are participating in the #BigBadBergalong, with Michelle from Actually Knitting, Down Cellar Studio, Knitting Butterflies, Prairie Girls, Kristi from In a Sknit, Commuter Jen from Commuter Knitter Podcast. We are behind already. Jasmin is working out of a kit from Lollipop Yarns. We got a prize and it is gorgeous.
We are so lucky to have the designer Melanie Berg offering our listeners a 10% discount on her patterns (self-published) starting September 15th, 2016 and ending November 2, 2016. Use the code BigBadBergAlong at checkout.
Jasmin wants to knit Moonraker, Gigi is still waffling on her project. Lollipop Yarns has sent us a kit to give away!
(On September 11 at 7pm Eastern there will be an update featuring Duet and Trio kits especially for Ashbury or Quicksilver patterns. She will be offering Free Shipping if you use the code BigBadBergAlong at checkout.)
Jasmin put out a prompt that she thinks she may have heard on Actually Knitting. So she put out a prompt on our Facebook page: "Because of knitting, I ..." and we got amazing responses from our listeners. Feel free to add.
We are planning to attend The Pacific International Quilt Fest, October 13 to 16, at the Santa Clara Convention Center.
Alana Dakos just broadcast her last episode. We will miss her and wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
We have a new winner! A skein of Berry Colorful Yarnings in Hallow Eve goes to MMZPaul
The next prize we are giving away is a Gleener.
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
#projectsweaterchest. This is the sweater equivalent of #operationsockdrawer. We want to encourage you to knit yourself a chest full of sweaters. This contest also has been inspired by Susan B. Anderson and her fast forward video of her top 10 sweaters.
We have lots of great prizes to give away. Feel free to double dip with any other KAL.
#elizalong also applies to this contest, since Elizabeth Doherty's sweaters are polished and functional, and excellent for everyday wear.
Mother Knows Best:(23:53)
How to politely respond to rudeness. How do you politely deal with rude remarks?
When Knitting Attacks:(33:40)
Gigi cast on a baby hat, it was too big, so she ripped it out and cast on fewer stitches for a better fit.
She ripped out the cuff of her General Hogbuffer Squircle socks and cast on in contrast yarn.
She found two ugly split stitches on her Martina Behm Puerto Montt shawl.
She also knitted a row in the wrong color on her Skandinavian Socks and had to tink.
This week we are reviewing Drop-Dead Easy Knits, by Gale Zucker, Mary Lou Egen, and Kristen Kapur
Straw into Gold:(50:06)
Jasmin is participating in Spinzilla ! She is participating on #TeamTextileWitches, and is spinning on the Acadia wheel and the Questionable Origins Device, for the Hiro sweeaters.
Gigi still hasn't finished her Tour de Fleece spinning, so she set up the wheel. She had installed the Woolee Winder and it needed adjustment before it really spun well.
And Sew On:(57:25)
Gigi looked through pattern books and noticed that McCalls/ Palmer and Pletsch patterns have alteration lines for a number of different dress styles.
Also, she sewed some more on the Giraffe hat from Fleece Hat Friends.
RE: This week's Mother Knows Best. Gigi could not have put it better describing making time for what is important, regardless of whether you are at an "at home" mom or a "working" mom. I, too, participated in the activities Gigi mentioned, worked full time (still do, and help out a LOT with my granddaughters), and was a single parent, but managed to do all that I set out to do because it was important. They were the best years of my life and I wouldn't trade them for anything!