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This weeks episode is sponsored by

You probably attend an event at least once a year. Sometimes events are all about shopping, but more often than not, events are a combination of shopping and education. When attending a show that combines classes and market place, shopping literally becomes dashes between classes. Time is short that your plan includes the necessary pit stop (crossing your fingers for short lines) and visits to my favorite or new vendor spot.
As a vendor, we do our best to bring the right amount of scents and products. We are thrilled when we have the product or scent you are looking for, but sometimes there is a sudden run on your favorite scent or product and the person in front of you just bought the last one. Being left wanting after waiting just stinks!
Wait and want no more because we've created the Easy Peasy Product Reservation. It's so simple and fast, you’ll LOVE the experience!
Go to our web site: for directions, and we'll even text you a reminder during the event!

Erin.Lane Bags and Holiday Yarns are teaming up to bring you a very special knitting club in 2016. “A Year of Winter That Ends With Christmas” is based on the beloved story, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and brings you six project kits representing characters from the book, complete with an Erin.Lane Project Bag featuring exclusively designed fabric.
This club is designed with everyone in mind, and the 12 automatic and equal monthly payments make the decision to sign up easy and quick. All subscribers get a special ornament mini-project and have the option to add-on an exclusive seventh project that represents the dreaded White Witch and her chilled persona.
Visit before December 15 to sign up and enjoy your year of winter that ends with Christmas.

Infinite Twist produces unique and luxurious hand-spun yarns that are crafted in a socially responsible way. Spun from hand-painted roving and hand-blended batts, our hand-spun yarns are a tactile delight for knitters. We also offer project kits that take the guess-work out of yarn and color selection, and hand-dyed mill-spun yarns in striking semi-solid colors. Find out more by visiting, or find us on Ravelry and Instagram as infinite twist. Sign up for our newsletter for a free knitting pattern every month, and don’t forget to use offer code “knitmore”!

Purlescence Yarns is Silicon Valley's destination fiber arts shop. Our yarns are selected for both their beauty and sustainability. Choose the perfect yarn and our Custom Fit service to help you make the perfect sweater.
Create your own perfect yarns and fabrics with our extensive selection of spinning and weaving equipment, classes, and full service maintenance.
We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(0:34)
Jasmin is making slow progress on the Bifrost Scarf . Jamin mentions #ExpertEnablers. We mention Voolenvine and Amy Beth. Jasmin enthuses about the Clasped Weft Join.
Gigi suggests Cottage Mills Quilt Clips
Jasmin is making Gingersnap Christmas Cardis for both kids. These are going to be a #Grinchbomb projects. She mentions The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns
Jasmin worked on the Elsa sweater and talks about steeking. She mentions Franklin Habit and his classes on Steeking and sewing in Zippers. We mentioned the interviews with Franklin Habit in episode12, and our 2014 Director's Cut.
Lucy Neatby has a steeking section in her Knitting Essentials 2
In Stitches:(13:28)
Gigi wore her Icarus shawl, Grey Citron shawl, Flamingo Feathers shawl, and Vanilla Socks. She would like to reknit a Bettjacke she knit out of a Brigitte magazine before 1977. Also, we touched on the dinosaur sweaters which are Nicky Epstein Designs, and not currently available and not on Raverly either. (But they will be.)
Jasmin suggests a Slanket
Genevieve has worn her Kapuzin Hoodie, the Yoked cardigan, and the Blue Playful Stripes.
Jasmin mentions the Genevieve the Octopus story. Also she is thrilled with the Sterling Name Tapes labels .
Rex wore his Wee Envelope, and the Little Baby cardigan
Jasmin wore her Breezy cardigan and tucked in the kids.
#OperationSockdrawer: new prize! A skein of Fab Funky Fibres in the Everlasting Gobstopper colorway.
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to the ravelry forum, or to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
New contest: #GrinchBomb
Mastering The Knits, a podcast hosted by Alicia, and Natalie of the former Bark'n Knit podcast are hosting a #ElvesWorkshopAlong. We are hosting another Grinch-Along this year.
Post your holiday gift knitting to instagram with both the #elvesworkshopalong AND the #grinchbomb hashtag (and add a grinch somewhere in the photo, if you can, like this:
The four prizes for the #grinchbomb contest are (so far) three Grinch project bags (sewn by us, never for sale) paired with some lovely Coloring Book Yarn, and a Bifrost kit (from Infinite Twist) with a bigger project bag.
Also, the Grinchalong will start December 1st and runs until DATE, and the Do Some Good Contest will start the Day after Thanksgiving and it ends DATE
Mother Knows Best:(26:51)
We discuss responses to the etiquette question about thank you notes. We mention the Awesome Etiquette podcast that we love listening to.
January One Knitting themed cards
This week we answer a question from the "What do you want to hear about?" thread in the forum
about knits surviving baby wearing.
Jasmin uses a ring sling
She mentions Sivia Harding's class on Sweater Repair Gigi mentions the make do and mend movement and the Japanese of gilding repairs on china
What are your experiences with baby wearing? Leave a response in this weeks episode thread on the Knitmore Girls forum.
How do you wear your babies? How do you wear your knits with your babies? What do you do when the knits get damaged?
When Knitting Attacks:(37:01)
Gigi pulled back a lot on the Braidsmaid that she knit out of laceweight yarn. Her Skew socks attacked her. She needs a general map for planned color placement on her sock yarn blanket.
Jasmin mentions the new pattern by Martina Behm.
This week we review Cast Iron, Cast On:
And Sew On:(55:36)
Gigi fought with the Bacon neck on one of her t shirts and now has a t shirt with bacon piping.
Jasmin is installing the zipper on the Elsa sweater. She likes the Dritz Dual Purpose Marking Pen, Blue
She ordered a Zipper Nipper from Home Sew and zipper stops from
Gigi, you should check out to see the wonderful creative things Lier sews for her three young daughters. In her huge archive, especially check out the mermaid skirt(s) posts. ;>))