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While winter brings feeling of nesting or hunkering down, it also means a picking up a piece or two of handcrafts. The oven works overtime for those holiday family favorites, quilters stitch just a tad faster to complete works of art before gift giving officially opens, and knitters dash to their local yarn store to squeeze in one more scarf or pair of socks for that last minute gift. As you are crafting wonders, Bar-Maids continues to handcraft yummy goodness for your skin ... all to to help you....even if you continue to create into the wee morning hours. Bar-Maids handcrafts their products with natural skin loving oils and butters; everything your skin needs to keep it soft and moisturized and nothing it doesn't. Since you use our hands a tad more in this season, let Lo-Lo help keep them moisturized. It's simple! Get your hands wet, shake the water off and get your Lo-Lo on before you pick-up needle, cookie cutter, or drop spindle.
Erin.Lane's 2015 bag club is accepting sign-ups. This year's club is designed with the crafter and her budget in mind. The Under $100 bag club has four options for you to choose from. Get your geek on, show your love for your feline friends, surround yourself with bags with yarn in AND on them, or strut your stuff carrying a Dr. Who bag. Each themed option includes 4 bags sent over the first 3 quarters of 2015. Sign ups close on January 15th.

Infinite Twist produces unique and luxurious hand-spun yarns that are crafted in a socially responsible way. Spun from hand-painted roving and hand-blended batts, our hand-spun yarns are a tactile delight for knitters. We also offer project kits that take the guess-work out of yarn and color selection, and hand-dyed mill-spun yarns in striking semi-solid colors. Find out more by visiting, or find us on Ravelry and Instagram as infinitetwist. Sign up for our newsletter for a free knitting pattern every month, and don’t forget to use offer code “knitmore”!

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(0:34)
Gigi finished the December Socks. All the #25 Days of Enabling can be found on Pinterest and in the Knitmore Girls forum.
Jasmin worked on the Winter Wonderland socks, in the Gynx variation. She is doing the Fork in the Road pattern by Lara Neel.
Gigi has finished two preemie hats out of some leftover bit of abandoned knitting. Jasmin has finished a pair of tube socks for Genevieve out of Frozen Throne, and has started a pair for herself.
The "Genevieve's tube socks" pattern has been published, and is available for $1. Gigi started two more preemie hats out of leftover yarn, and will do some crocheted finishing.
Jasmin is reviving all of our KALs, the #MatchyMatchyKAL , #ProjectSweaterChest, (#FFFWKAL) Fit, Flatter, Feel Wonderful Kal , #OperationSockdrawer, and the SPAKAL. Double dipping is encouraged.
Gigi is working on the beaded edging of the Wild Iris and is enjoying it a lot. #KiltMeNowKAL. She is also working on the Mystik Spiral socks. Again.
In Stitches:(14:29)
Gigi has been wearing her Katarina jacket
Jasmin has been wearing her handspun Ribbi-Cardi, her handspun Seneca, the bulky Dreadz cowl,
Genevieve has been wearing her Annie Sweater, her Mini Mondo cardi, and the cover hat from Knit Hats! by Gwen Steege
Jasmin mentioned her Philosopher's Wool sweater. (Their website has a date of 2014. They had health issues, I do not know if they are still operating their business).
We mention Commuter Knitter and Boston Jen from Down Cellar Studio.
2/19-2/22/2015: Stitches West!
- Meet and Greet from 11:30-1pm. We will be collecting preemie hats.
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
Next week's prize is a skein of Lollipop Yarns in the colorway: Breakers
We are co-hosting the Countdown to Outlander Knitalong on instagram, #countdowntooutlander, #kiltmenowKAL. This has to be creatively related to the Outlander series. Getting help from pocket Jamie is encouraged.
This is an instagram contest, so please make sure to use the appropriate hashtags.
This is being co-hosted by Maria from Subway Knits, CC from Geeky Girls Knit, and Kristin from YarnGasm.
Prizes for this contest are two braids of fiber and two skeins of yarn from Gourmet Stash in the colorways "Time Traveler" and "Waterweed".
Our annual Do Some Good contest has begun! Do some good on a local, national or global level, post it to the thread, maybe you'll win a prize! But you'll definitely do some good, and that's awesome. The contest will close1/21/2015.
Winners will be chosen on the basis of originality and delightfulness. Also, your charity needs to benefit others than your immediate friends and family.
For the first hundred entries, the prizes are:
-The Dishcloth Diva package:
-Prize includes: Big Fat Soap (by the Bar Maids), a copy of Dishcloth Diva
- An Erin Lane Bag
- And something else, pending Jasmin going out to the arctic garage
For each additional 50 entries, we will add another prize.
Mother Knows Best:(27:30)
This week we answer questions out of the "What do you want to hear about?" thread about
how to deal with extremely long rows of knitting.
Jasmin enthuses about Hoxton's review of Merlin.
When Knitting Attacks:(33:14)
Gigi has ripped out her knitting on the Grinchy/Broken Ornaments socks, because the pattern she was knitting just wasn't talking to her.
Jasmin mentions C.C. from the Geeky Girls Videocast.
This week we purloin ideas from other podcaster's end of year summaries.
The Geeky Girls are doing 52 in 2015, knitting 52 preemie hats in 2015. Gigi has finished two hats already.
She also was listening to Die Urbane Spinnstube, hosted by Distelfliege, who has decided to spin at least 15 minutes a day. So Gigi decided to copy this idea, and has been spinning on her Jenkins drop spindle every night.
Commuter Jen is very organized and had this amazing idea of how to organize your ravelry queue to be able to search for the years finished projects instantaneously. Gigi put a divider in the back of her shownotes binder to write down projects as they get finished. Low tech.
What are your fiber goals this year? Inquiring minds want to know.
This week we review Road Trip
These are the ladies from Tincanknits, and we really like their designs.
Jasmin enthuses about Yokes, by Kate Davies. which we reviewed last week. She also mentions yarns by Lisa Souza, and Bijou Basin Ranch.
Straw Into Gold:(51:57)
Gigi has been spinning on her Jenkins Turkish Delight drop spindle
And Sew On:(53:18)
Gigi managed to score some Frozen flannel and is sewing a night gown for Genevieve out of Butterick Patterns B4910
Jasmin is doing the #IronSwatchChallenge LINK and has been steeking sock swatches on her Featherweight.
Jasmin looked on Kate Davies blog for a tutorial on machine sewn (was actually from, again, misattributed) and Crocheted steeks.
Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
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