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When you own a business you find yourself up at ungodly hours formulating your next step, and juggling between adored and effective products, and creating new interest. So I found myself face-to-face with facts, the nitty-gritty numbers and the [dirty] details. Numbers don't lie - right? As difficult as it is, we are discontinuing scents and products that just don't make cents. But we are absolutely thrilled and excited about offering new scents and products that you have been asking for. We are actively creating some major spark in our studio. (This calls for super strong shades!) Before these sparks start flying, check out the nitty-gritty and dirty details of our current scents at the new Bar-Maids Blog
The newest innovation from the Namaste sisters is the Poppins bag. This bag opens wide and is surprisingly spacious despite it's compact appearance. Super cute design with magnetic top closures to allow you to knit out of your closed bag (and separate fibers if you wish) with no worries of snagging your precious fibers. 2 external zipper pockets and plenty more inside, including internal tool storage slots- this bag is awesome. Get yours at
The newest innovation from the Namaste sisters is the Poppins bag. This bag opens wide and is surprisingly spacious despite it's compact appearance. Super cute design with magnetic top closures to allow you to knit out of your closed bag (and separate fibers if you wish) with no worries of snagging your precious fibers. 2 external zipper pockets and plenty more inside, including internal tool storage slots- this bag is awesome. Get yours at

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
SSYC just received our largest Madelinetosh shipment ever. Tosh DK, Pashmina, Tosh sock and Merino Light. IF you want sweater quantities, now’s the time!
On The Needles:(0:35)
This week Abby, from the Knit Knit Cafe is our guest on the podcast!
Gigi has finished her Butternut Squash Halloween socks from Ladybug Fiber company.
Jasmin has finished Genevieve's Olivia hat out of Cascade Longwood.
Gigi cast on tube socks for Genevieve out of Neon Now. Jasmin is working on the Happy Howloween socks out of Lollipop Yarn in their Beefcake base. Gigi is working on the Wild Iris cowl from the Book of Cowls by Sivia Harding. She is knitting it out of Bijou Basin Ranch's Himalayan Trail in the color Sassenach.#kiltmenowKAL.
Gigi has also cast on a pair of Halloween socks out of Poste Yarns in the Elm Street Colorway.
Abbi is working on her Hitchhiker our of handspun yarn.
Jasmin is working on Halloween socks, in the Stingy Jack yarn by Invictus Yarns. and she is also working on a pair of socks from Cyborgs's Craftroom in the colorway Specter, with black Cascade Heritage 150, for heels and toes.
We mentions Romi Hill's design for boot toppers in her Oddments Knitdown. [As of this date, Romi Hills boot toppers haven't been published.]
Abbi is knitting a Lintilla out of Sheepspot Sustainable Merino Fingering Weight. Jasmin mentions Sasha Torres' posting cool articles on the Sheepspot Facebook page. We mentions Martina Behm's site.
Jasmin mentions Twist and Knit by Miriam Felton
Abbi is knitting the Grace socks by Sivia Harding, out of Black Trillium in the Good Egg colorway. She is using the Knit Companion App. Jasmin declare that she will use the Knit Companion App to Knit her Celestarium shawl.
Loose Ends:(18:33)
We aired the Anna Zilborg interview, part of the Dreadfully Delayed Interview Series.
We don't endorse Biscotte & Cie's Knitmore colorway. We are talking to Westminster Fibers (US distributors of Regia) about the bleeding issue of the Fluormania.
We are planning to attend the Pajamma Jammie Jam at Purlescence Yarns,
and Stitches West in February!
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
Next week's prize is a skein of Lollipop Yarn in the Kodachrome colorway.
Mother Knows Best:(31:38)
Gigi has more suggestions for an effective closet. Jasmin and Abbi gush about the Container Store.
Jasmin mentions her closet blog post.
When Knitting Attacks:(38:42)
Gigi was knitting her Van Gogh socks and didn't enjoy it toe-up, and she frogged and started cuff down.
Abbi had made a pair of Uptown Girl socks, and they have no nylon and they have grown holes in the heels. The new sock yarn from Dream in Color is called "Everlasting sock".
We would like about heels and durability.
We mention Wooly Nylon
There is an article in Twist Collective about darning socks.
Gigi thought she could do a moebius cast on for a cowl on one long needle. She was wrong.
While sewing, she accidentally basted Sam Knitmore's jeans to Grandpa Knitmore's inseam lenght.
This week we review WeaveKnitWear
Jasmin mentions the Schacht Cricket, and the Flip Loom.
We have suggestions for the next book in this series, that we think Judith Shangold should write.
Straw Into Gold:(1:01:54)
Gigi has been spinning! She found that she needs to have a routine for spinning, and it seems to be working. She has been spinning her SPAKAL with a long draw, and has gotten enough practice so she is actually starting to like the result of her spinning.
Jasmin has been spinning tribbles from Gourmet Stash in the Weathered Tartan colorway( inspired by the Outlander colorway). She finds spinning very soothing.
Abbi has a spinning question. She enjoys spinning on her Turkish Spindle, but would like to spin for projects, and she is wondering how to make spindle spinning into real spinning for projects.
We mention the amazing Sultana, who spins four or five sweaters worth of yarn on spindles.
Jasmin mentions the Ol' Lars spindle (425-255-3073), that has great spin. It is not the Trindle. Jasmin mentions the curio table from IKEA [Jasmin's isn't available, but this one is close.]
Jasmin mentions Battlings from Hobbledehoy.
And Sew On:(1:10:04)
Gigi hemmed the Nemesis Dress for Melanie of the SavvyGirls Podcast. All that remains is the hook and Eye closure and some pressing.
Jasmin got the case for her Featherweight. Abby says dryer sheets help with musty smell.
Abby went to Portland Sewing and bought a hipcurve, a french curve and a notcher. She also bought a kosher Tailor's Ham
We mention the The Knowledgeable Knitter
Gigi mentions pressing over a Sleeve Board
I love Abby's description of boot toppers. I have a couple of pair to match my scarfs, but living in Quebec Canada I need them for walking to the bus stops when there is knee deep snow, they really do keep the snow out of your boots.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize Biscotte was going to call the skein "Knitmore" and not get permission either. I agreed to let them send me a skein. It arrived without a name on the tag for the color. I noticed the pink was very close to Jasmin's hair color. I had wondered but I thought no way a company would do a color way without permission.
ReplyDeleteHello Knitmore Girls!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Elena and you are keeping me company while I knit in Crete, Greece.
I heard you mentioning you want to know more about darning your socks and I thought you may not know Tom of Holland ( He is a knitter and mender who lives in the UK and has launched The Visible Mending Programme. I think you might find his work interesting (
Unfortunately, life doesn't allow me to participate in any of the contests or the knitalongs but I enjoy hearing your news and adventures.
Thank you!