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This week's episode is sponsored by:

What makes Abstract Fiber's sock yarns stand out from the rest? Our brilliant colors don't bleed. Our skeins rarely have knots. Our yarns are beautifully constructed to minimize splitting and show off stitch patterns. Our colors are designed to minimize pooling and striping. Check out Abstract Fiber's outstanding sock yarns at
When you own a business you find yourself up at ungodly hours
formulating your next step, and juggling between adored and effective
products, and creating new interest. So I found myself face-to-face with
facts, the nitty-gritty numbers and the [dirty] details. Numbers don't
lie - right? As difficult as it is, we are discontinuing scents and
products that just don't make cents. But we are absolutely thrilled and
excited about offering new scents and products that you have been asking
for. We are actively creating some major spark in our studio. (This
calls for super strong shades!) Before these sparks start flying, check
out the nitty-gritty and dirty details of our current scents at the new Bar-Maids Blog.

Infinite Twist produces unique and luxurious hand-spun yarns that are crafted in a socially responsible way. Spun from hand-painted roving and hand-blended batts, our hand-spun yarns are a tactile delight for knitters. We also offer project kits that take the guess-work out of yarn and color selection, and hand-dyed mill-spun yarns in striking semi-solid colors. Find out more by visiting, or find us on Ravelry and Instagram as infinite twist. Sign up for our newsletter for a free knitting pattern every month, and don’t forget to use offer code “knitmore”!

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(0:32)
Jasmin has been doing the Citric Acid soak, and is pleased with the Hocus Pocus socks by Mint Rain /Kaitie's Creations, and also likes how color fast it is. She mentions Rockin' Green Detergent
Gigi has finished a pair of socks from MarigoldJen in the Purple Finch colorway.
Jasmin is working on Genevieve's Olivia hat for her Halloween costume. She also worked on her SPAKAL cardigan. Jasmin mentions her Mondo Cable cardi. She refers to The Spinner's Book of Fleece
Gigi cast on Halloween socks out of Ladybug Fiber company in the "Butternut" colorway.
She has been washing her swatch for the Wild Iris cowl from the Book of Cowls by Sivia Harding. She is knitting it out of Bijou Basin Ranch's Himalayan Trail in the color Sassenach.
Jasmin is raving about the colors of her newest sock out of Stingy Jack by Invictus Yarns.
Jasmin excitedly announces that the Stashbot App is available .
Loose Ends:(22:20)
We are still doing the Knitmore-A-long labels printed and provided by Sterling Name Tapes: Information for getting labels:
- Donate $1.50 for postage and envelope through Paypal button (in sidebar)
- PM Jasmin (cuteknitter) via Ravelry, and let her know how many sweater and shawl labels you want, and put "labels" in the subject line
- Include your Paypal email address in your PM
- International: PM Jasmin on Ravelry for cost of shipping
Put a picture of your sewn in labels in the "labels" thread.
-Stash Swap at Purlescence, Oct 25th, noonish until closing.
-Pajamma Jammie Jam, date TBA.
Gigi and Jasmin went to Pacific International Quilt Fest, and had a wonderful time. Gigi mentions the Miracle Ironing Board Cover. We met a quilting podcaster: Annie Smith: Quilting Stash. Jasmin picked up parts for her Featherweight, and Gigi purchased an OLFA rotary cutter
We are co-hosting the Countdown to Outlander Knitalong on instagram, #kiltmenowKAL. This has to be creatively related to the Outlander series. Getting help from pocket Jamie is encouraged.
This is an instagram contest, so please make sure to use the appropriate hashtags.
This is being co-hosted by Maria from Subway Knits, CC from Geeky Girls Knit, and Kristin from YarnGasm.
New Prizes!
From Gourmet Stash: two braids of fiber and two skeins of yarn in the time traveler colorway, and in the waterweed colorway .
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
This weeks winner is Jananavwho won a skein of Mint Rain in Berry Sundae with matching berry colored yarn for heels and toes, generously provided by Kaitie's Creations.
The next prize for #OperationSockdrawer has been generously provided by Lollipop Yarns: a ball of in Kodachrome in the Beefcake base.
Mother Knows Best:(38:43)
This week Gigi talks some more about having an effective closet. Jasmin mentions the Butter By Nadia Dresses
This week we purloin (again?) Adventskalenderwickelknäul from Stadt, Land, Wolle, hosted by Manu and Elli
Jasmin decided to put a poll in the ravelry group in this week's episode thread.
This week we review The Knowledgeable Knitter
And Sew On :(54:50)
Gigi shortened jeans for Grandpa Knitmore. She is thinking about buying a Humpjumper
And she did a lot of handsewing on the Nemesis Dress for Melanie of the SavvyGirls Podcast.
Where oh where did you get the beautiful sewing needle in the episode picture from?