This week's episode is sponsored by:

What makes Abstract Fiber's sock yarns stand out from the rest? Our brilliant colors don't bleed. Our skeins rarely have knots. Our yarns are beautifully constructed to minimize splitting and show off stitch patterns. Our colors are designed to minimize pooling and striping. Check out Abstract Fiber's outstanding sock yarns at

Just outside the line of what we really want to talk about is that what you put on the inside is just as important as what goes on the outside. A healthy diet, suitable exercise, proper posture, and plenty of rest effects the outside as much as the inside and demonstrates that we treat ourselves with care, love, and respect.
Now…in keeping with our topic, we may be crossing a line somewhere but we’re going to give it to you as straight up as we know. Don’t Walk! Run - Fine Line Serum over your little wrinkly parts, you know those places: upper lip, eye and crows feet areas, forehead, neck. Arguably, no cream or lotion can halt or reverse the passage of time, and this includes wrinkles and lines, BUT to some extent we are able to control the visible signs of aging. Let’s face it, aging occurs (that’s a good thing considering the alternative), and the skin gradually loses its elasticity and natural moisture. But certain areas can use a tad more moisture of skin loving oils like those found in Bar-Maids Fine Line Serum. Argan, Squalane, Vitamin E, and Grapeseed oils. Packaged in an roller ball applicator, a little goes a long way. Psst…it doesn’t even matter if it’s a straight wrinkly line or not.

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!

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On The Needles:(0:34)
Gigi has a finished object: she used leftover Witchy Woman by Lollipop Yarn, to knit tube socks for Genevieve. Jasmin is working on the Barberry Cardigan out of Abstract Fiber Rothko, for #matchymatchyKAL
Jasmin is gushing about the Celestarium, that she wants to knit out of Gourmet Stash yarn. Leslie from the Knit Girlls told her to go ahead.
She also is blaming the Mint Rain sock yarn for her staying up to late and knitting.
Gigi is working on the Dianthus Superbus socks from The Knitters Curiosity Cabinet, Vol I,
Jasmin is working on a sock for her #countdowntooutlander, #kiltmenowKAL out of the Outlander colorway from Voolenvine in the Lush base, in the Fraser Tartan project bag from Caithness Craft Collective.
She is knitting on stripey socks in the Halloween colorway Hocus Pocus from Mint Rain,
socks in Hannukah Stripes by Quere Fiber., with her "Dark Tardis" colorway for the toe and heel. There is progress on the Planum socks out of Biscotte & Cie.
Gigi has finished the Schnozberry socks, and has cast on Vanilla socks out of Fortissima Socka in an animal print. She is also working on Mystik Spiral Socks in Ocean Depth from Mint Rain.
Jasmin has been working on the SPAKAL cardigan again, and she has modified the armhole increases.
We mentions that Marly Bird has a Craftsy class that includes making duct tape busts [50% off discount through that link, courtesy of the lovely Marly]. Jasmin talks about the Fit, Flatter and Feel Good Knit-Along.
Suggested books:
Little Red in the City, by Ysolda Teague
Knit to Flatter
The Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns
- Saturday, September 20th, we are hosting a Swift Tasting at Purlescence
- October 16-19 Pacific International Quilt Fest, at the Santa Clara Convention Center
Mother Knows Best:(30:02)
This week we answer questions out of the "What do you want to hear about?" thread about
blocking sweaters. Jasmin mentions the OXO Folding Sweater Dryer
This weeks winner is 3trees.
Parameters for participating in the #operationsockdrawer contest:
Participants: post a picture to instagram with the #operationsockdrawer, have your ravelry name on your instagram profile. Feel free to double dip your projects.
Projects will be judged on originality and general delightfulness.
Next prize is a skein of sockyarn by Dizzy Blonde Studios.
We are co-hosting the Countdown to Outlander Knitalong on instagram, #countdowntooutlander, #kiltmenowKAL. This has to be creatively related to the Outlander series. Getting help from pocket Jamie is encouraged.
This is an instagram contest, so please make sure to use the appropriate hashtags.
This is being co-hosted by Maria from Subway Knits, CC from Geeky Girls Knit, and Kristin from YarnGasm.
We have Bijou Basin yarn for prizes. (Thanks, Bijou Basin!)... AND, a new prize has come in last week:
A skein of sock yarn in the colorway "Je suis prest", from Gingertwist Studio in Edinburgh
When Knitting Attacks:(42:46)
Jasmin has been attacked by her Cointreau cowl, by Thea Coleman out of Himalayan Trails by Bijou Basin.
She found a new pattern by Purl Soho [Structured Alpaca Cowl] on the #SoakWashChallenge. She is going to knit the Cointreau out of Lisa Souza's cashmere in squashblossom.
Dream in color sent us some Everlasting yarn, that looks like abalone. Gigi had suggested that Jasmin knit the yarn in the Blueberry Waffle pattern, but it didn't show, ripped. Jasmin finished her barberpole hopper socks.
This week we are purloining from either Commuter Knitter or Down Cellar Studio
This week we review Gertie Sews Vintage Casual
We also mention Gertie's New Book for Better Sewing
And Sew On:(1:14:37)
Gigi sewed the name tag into Genevieve's dress using a catch stitch. She also sewed the flower and put elastic into the panties. She still needs to sew button holes. Simplicity 2265
Jasmin talks about the Featherweight that got tuned up at Ray's. Jasmin gushes about Amy Beth's ( The Fat Squirrel Speaks) project bags and the Erin Lane Bags.
For knitting dark colored yarns in the day or night, get a Stella lamp. I don't know what I would do without mine. I think my eyes are 20 years younger when it is turned on my knitting. You can get them from a lot of places, even Amazon.