This week's episode is sponsored by:
Lo-Lo Baby, available in Soft Vanilla, Lavender Dreams, and Plain and Simple has been a big hit among OBGYN staff, new moms, daycare personnel, and men over 60. A swipe on the diaper area, a bit for massage, or something to help with cradle cap we understand but why are men buying this? So we asked…we had to. And they told us. They are buying Lo-Lo Baby and using it for itch, heat, and chafing in their southern hemisphere. We pressed on with our somewhat awkward questions and we found out that while they loved Lo-Lo Baby, they wanted two things to be different, the label and a cooling element. Along came Southern Comfort. Don’t let the moustache on the label lead you think it’s only for men. Women are buying it as well. And yes, we asked. And we were told they're using it for the same reasons, through they used different words like, friction and rash. Southern Comfort is ideal for those that bike (pedal or motor), those that wear skirts and no pantyhose, and those that could just use some comfort in their Southern Hemisphere. Southern Comfort is for external use only. To buy local, visit or purchase on-line.

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!

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On The Needles:(0:34)
Gigi finished her We Need a Little Christmas, by Lollipop Yarn. She has decided she wants at least one pair of themed socks for every month of the year.
Jasmin is working on the Little Oak cardigan for Genevieve, out of Cephalopod Bugga in Nebraska Conehead green.
Gigi finished another pair of leftover tube socks and gives the recipe for Genevieve's socks. Jasmin is working on her Sgt Pepper Houdini socks, out of 15 Color Rainbow yarn #operationsockdrawer. She is enjoying working on the Paton's Kroy socks in Grey Brown Marled.
Jasmin is working on her Hitchhiker Abstract Fiber colorway Be Mine. She mentions Martina Behm's new patterns and the Be My Angel shawl. #Behmalong
German word of the week: Pfeffernüsse
Jasmin mentions the The Complete America's Test Kitchen Cookbook
Gigi is working on her second Witchy Woman sock and also on the foot of the Crocus Vernus sock from The Knitters Curiosity Cabinet. She is knitting Halo hats out of Bentley, by Cascade Yarns.
#podcasterthrowdown Jasmin mentions the Knitters Brewing Company, Team Sockoholic
Prizes for the #PodcasterThrowdown:
A lovely skein of Lollipop Yarn in the colorway Sweet Child o' Mine.
And a skein from Great Lakes Hand Dyed. #themapples
Sivia Harding's Sister Joan Shawl, knit by Gigi
Jasmin's handspun:
- In the Air Tonight, superwash, 328yds, Crown Mountain Farms
- Violet Cherry, Pidgeonroof Studios, 402 Superwash BFL (187) 374 yds
- Atlantis 402 Superwash Merino, Crown Mountain Farms, 500 yds
You can follow this on twitter and instagram using #podcasterthrowdown.
There will be a little something special for anyone who brings a hat for Halos to Stitches West, and bonus swag for preemie hats.
11/29: Pajama Jammie Jam at Purlescence.
2/13-16: We are thinking of attending Madrona,
2/20-23: Stitches West 2014.
The Famous Last Words Contest will wrap up by Thanksgiving, and prizes are:
LoLo Bar Trio
Erin Lane small drawstring bag
Tess Yarns Kitten
We also announce our Annual Do Some Good Contest, which will launch on Thanksgiving.
Do some GREATER good on a local, national or global level!
In Stitches:(26:05)
Gigi is wearing wool socks every day. She also wore her Katarina cardigan, Jasmin mentions the titanium shawl pin by Jaime's Metalworks. Gigi is very pleased with her Citron out of Huckleberry Knits and her Icarus. Jasmin wore her Brickless, and among others, her Kroy socks. Genevieve wore her mouse hood, and socks from Gramzie.
Mother Knows Best:(29:23)
This week we answer a question about weaving with a small child.
We have a number of suggestions, we mention finger knitting, weaving on straw looms, cardboard looms, plastic Ball Winder
When Knitting Attacks:(37:08)
Jasmin is working on the Little Oak Cardigan, which cruelly attacked her.
This week we are purloining Playful Parenting from greentrianglegirl from the A Playful Day podcast.
Jasmin mentions Positive Discipline: The First Three Years
Nurturing Good Children Now
She mentions Woolbur
This week we review Green Gables Knits
We mention the Anne of Green Gables complete collection
Jasmin mentions Phoebe's Sweater
Straw Into Gold:(52:09)
Gigi has been spinning Gourmet Stash punis on her Russian supported spindle.
I am crushing on the colors of the leftie!
ReplyDeleteWe had great luck last week traveling from Seattle to Chicago (4hrs) by buying a great travel car seat Diono Radian rxt that we installed in the airplane. We used it in car so it was familiar first. Hubby tended the 2 year old while I installed it and I was amazed at how well my rambunctious girl settled in with snacks, special movies and activities of course. I can't keep her still at a restaurant more than 20 minutes but 4 hrs in a car seat no prob. What an awesome surprise! If you do decide to go to Madrona feel free to hit me and my girl up for a play date. I'm liafal on Ravelry. Weather permitting there's always Point Defiance Zoo and it happens to be in a large park that's fun to explore.
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