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On The Needles:(0:32)
Gigi has finished a pair of Spice Man socks out of Regia, and one Spice Man Sock out of Fortissima. Jasmin is battling sock drawer ennui, and mentions Susan B. Anderson's sock drawer.
We think we should have a sock drawer thread on the forum.
Jasmin is in love with the 15 Color Rainbow Socks she is knitting out of Fab Funky Fibres, in our Vanilla Sock pattern. Gigi knitted another preemie hat. At knitting group, a bunch of things got finished and are ready to be photographed.
For the Summer of Lace and Beads, Jasmin is thrilled with the Dryad shawl. Gigi has cast on yet another pair of socks, the Something Fishy Socks out of Cascade 220 Superwash sport in Multis.
Jasmin is knitting a pair of Houdini Socks out of Patons Kroy. Gigi is working on the Crocus Vernus Sock out of the Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet.
We are excited about the Behm-Along. (Coupon Code is KnitmoreBehm, active until October !0th)
We mention Diane from the Knitabulls podcast who is hosting the Brickless Knitalong.
Jasmin mentions the Leftie Shawl, and Miss Babs Yarns.
Podcaster Throwdown: end date is Stitches West, we are looking to double the amount of hats collected at Stitches Midwest. Remember to label your hats carefully with all your info, including Team Knitmore.
We mention the Throwdown Forum, and heckle the Knotty Girls. We will have something extra for people who bring hats for Halos of Hope, and something else for hats for the Head to Toe Project.
We will be attending Pacific International Quilt Fest at the Santa Clara Convention Center Oct. 17-20.
The Famous Last Words Contest will wrap up by Thanksgiving.
Mother Knows Best:(23:54)
A teaspoon of sugar makes the medicine go down.
We mention Dr. Gemma, and the Savvy Girls Podcast.
When Knitting Attacks:(27:11)
Gigi's Lorelei had issues, and got pulled back drastically, the Something Fishy Socks pattern went off track and the Leafwise is resisting its pattern, and was also pulled back a few rows.
Purloined (30:03)
We are purloining the "Put a Lid on it" segment from the Cogknitive podcast.
We are reviewing The Modern Colorwork Collection, by Miriam Felton.
Jasmin mentions Martine and iMake Magazine.
Straw Into Gold:(41:35)
Gigi is spinning fiber from Dr Gemma's alpacas on the wheel. On her Lark drop spindle she is spinning some Terry Mendenhall merino. The Lark is not optimal on the fine merino and she will spin the merino on her Turkish Delight. Jasmin suggest Corriedale or Targhee for spinning a heavier yarn on the Lark.
And Sew On:(44:42)
Gigi is pressing her quilt rows in alternating directions, and getting ready to assemble.
very cute!