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Do you know about Lo-Lo EO's? EO's (essential oils) are natural compounds derived from plants, that have powerful biochemical compositions which often stimulate our brain, affecting mood and well being. Like you and me, Lo-Lo EO’s are a wondrous mixture of individual qualities, some very bold and assertive, others showing a softer, gentler face. By applying specific EO’s or blends, you choose the way want your mood affected. When EO’s are combined with Bar-Maids soothing combination of natural oils and butters, you have an amazing Lo-Lo experience. EO’s are powerful, and respecting them is appropriate. With that in mind, do you want to relax, rejuvenate, or recharge? It's all up to you. Lo-Lo EO’s are available in the Body Bar, To-Go Bar, O’ for Feet Sake, Lip Balm, and Cuticle Intensive.

Are you always on the lookout for new fiber blends and interesting fiber preps? Well search no more! Gourmet Stash is an online fiber arts shop specializing in punis, puni-style rolags, kits, tutorials and mini batts! We have a love of color and luxury fibers that we blend to make each spinning experience truly decadent. Stop by our shop and see what new fiber delicacies are being created every week at

Love self-striping yarns but not quite sure how to use them? Join the Knitcircus Yarns Gradient Yarn Club and let hand-dyer and designer Jaala Spiro guide you! Three packages of exclusive self-striping colorways with patterns written just for them, plus information and lists of favorite patterns for using gradient yarns. The cherry on top? Treats from other indy knitting businesses with every package. Check out the Knitcircus Yarns store for handpainted and kettle-dyed yarns, too!

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(0:34)
This week, Rachel from the Knitcents podcast is joining in. Rachel is knitting on a top down-toe up sock out of Bergere de France. Gigi is working on her Something Fishy sock out of Cascade 220 superwash sportweight in multis.
Jasmin is working on her 15 Color Rainbow Socks (#operationsockdrawer), where she is rehoming socks that she is tired of, and replacing them with new, fun socks. Shs mentions Susan B. Anderson's sock drawer. Gigi finished the Spice Man socks out of Fortissima yarn.
Rachel just finished a Gramps cardigan for Genevieve. Jasmin finished her Houdini socks out of Patons Kroy. Gigi has put more rows on the Crocus Vernus socks.
Rachel is also working on a Kerouac sweater out of her own handspun. Gigi has cast on a pair of socks out of Sock Ease. Jasmin cast on another pair of Houdini socks in the Sergeant Pepper colorway, and she uses a crochet cotton rip cord for the leg of the sock.
We talk about the Podcaster Throwdown, and announce some additional prizes.
We also mention the Head to Toe Project.
We will be attending Pacific International Quilt Fest at the Santa Clara Convention Center Oct. 17-20.
The Famous Last Words Contest will wrap up by Thanksgiving, and we announce prizes:
LoLo Bar Trio
Erin Lane small drawstring bag
Tess Yarns Kitten
Namaste Circular needle case
Mother Knows Best:(18:16)
This week we answer a question out of the "What do you want to hear about ?" thread, about measuring out 1oz bumps for spinning. Rachel gives us the rule about how much weight one can put on a drop spindle.
When Knitting Attacks:(20:55)
Jasmin tried out a new ball winder and tangled her yarn horribly. Rachel bound off the shawl collar for the Gramps cardigan much too tight, had to pull it out and redo it.
This week we are purloining the Mandarin Minute from the Clothed in the Lamb podcast, hosted by Janeen.
Gigi introduces the German words spinnen, Stinos, and Klapperlatschen. We mention Die Urbane Spinnstube, hosted by Distelfliege. Also, Dr Scholl's.
This week we review Scarf Style 2
Jasmin mentions Abstract Fiber Hedonism, the Un-squirrel it away KAL, the Fat Squirrel and the Knit Girllls.
Straw Into Gold:(37:21)
Gigi loves her Turkish Delight drop spindle, and is spinning Mendenhall merino on it. She also spun alpaca from Dr. Gemma, and was attacked by her spinning. The end disappeared into the rest of the spinning.
Gigi also is working with her Jenkins Lark, and is spinning some Corriedale on it, trying to manage a long draw. She is also reading Respect the Spindle
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