This week's episode is sponsored by:
Do you know about Lo-Lo EO's? EO's (essential oils) are natural compounds derived from plants, that have powerful biochemical compositions which often stimulate our brain, affecting mood and well being. Like you and me, Lo-Lo EO’s are a wondrous mixture of individual qualities, some very bold and assertive, others showing a softer, gentler face. By applying specific EO’s or blends, you choose the way want your mood affected. When EO’s are combined with Bar-Maids soothing combination of natural oils and butters, you have an amazing Lo-Lo experience. EO’s are powerful, and respecting them is appropriate. With that in mind, do you want to relax, rejuvenate, or recharge? It's all up to you. Lo-Lo EO’s are available in the Body Bar, To-Go Bar, O’ for Feet Sake, Lip Balm, and Cuticle Intensive.
The Nimblestix Mountain Retreat, sponsored by The Woolery, is nestled in
the Shenendoah mountains at Graves Mountain Lodge on October 4th - 6th.
This beautiful locale is the ideal setting for a fiber class or two,
spinning, knitting, or crocheting in the sun, hearing live music, or
making apple butter in the orchard. Lodging, food, classes and other
activities are included. Registration is now open for this intimate
retreat, perfect for meeting up with fiber friends and making new ones.
Get more information at or email .

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(0:33)
Jasmin found her knitting mojo. She finished her Boneyard, and she found her Pogona that she had knitted out of Metamorphosis. She mentions Stephen West and A Verb For Keeping Warm. Next she wants to finish her Daybreak.
Gigi finished knitting the Spice Man Socks out of Opal van Gogh, and is knitting some more Spice man socks out of deep stash Regia, and is working on the second Narcissus sock out of The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet.
And as soon as she has looked up Cat Bordhi's moebius cast on, she can start working on her Lorelei cowl.
Jasmin is thrilled with the progress she is making on her Ophidian, and mentions Oral B Superfloss for stringing beads. Jasmin says that she will go on a finishing spree in her personal Area 51.
Also she has excavated her Looped Loop cowl, also from Area 51, and will be done in ten minutes.
We played the Knotty Girls Knitcast promo
We will be attending the Monterey Wool Auction on Monday, September 2nd
Mother Knows Best:(15:46)
This week we answer two questions from the "What do you want to hear about?" thread
The first is a question about what to do with a toe up sock that is too long in the foot.
The second one is a question about travelling with a spinning wheel.
Jasmin mentions Beth Smith from the Spinning loft and the Samsonite hard side case. She references Sasha Torres, The Spin Doctor, Romi Hills orifice hooks, automotive paper towels from Costco, and Haribo gummi bears
When Knitting Attacks:(22:58)
Gigi's autopilot Spice Man Socks attacked her
We played the Geeky Girls Knit promo
New Segment!
Tickled Pink:(25:13)
This week we are tickled pink about setting Manic Panic hair dye
This week we review
The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs
We reference JC Boggs and her Sit and Spin DVD, Judith MacKenzie McCuin's The Intentional Spinner
Straw Into Gold:(39:18)
Gigi has spun up her bump of Abstract Fiber in the colorway Pinot Noir. She mentions Dr Gemma's Cogknitive retreat.
And Sew On:(42:24)
Gigi is cutting the fabric for the quilt she is making for Jasmin, and is challenged by cutting curves with the Olfa rotary cutters
Also, she had a run in with sale fabric, and she is up-cycling t-shirts for Genevieve.
Bonus Danger Mouse audio:(47:06)
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