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This week's episode has been sponsored by:
Breaking news! You can be even more kissable than you are right now… Lo-Lo Lips by Bar Maids, the makers of the exquisite Lo-Lo Bar, is one of the best lip balms available. Some lip balms can cause your skin to dry out if you stop using them, or if you lose them (and let’s face it, we ALL lose them), and you can end up chapped and raw. This product doesn’t force you to reapply in order to maintain the healthy balanced level of moisture ideal for your beautiful lips. 8 tasty flavors, no parabens, no fillers, no dyes – just a natural lip moisturizer that has everything your lips want and nothing they don’t. You don’t have to use a product that your lips get hooked on. There is another option. The truth is, your LIPS may not get addicted, but I dare anyone to try it and not feel like an addict! Kiss me, Lo-Lo, I’m in LOVE!
Entangled Magazine focuses on any craft that starts with fiber:
spinning, weaving, sewing, dyeing, knitting, crochet, fibery animals,
etcetera. We’ve been getting rave reviews and recent subscribers are
seeking out the back issues to complete their collection. If it starts
as fiber you’ll read about it in Entangled! All the details on the
magazine, and a free preview issue for you to download, can be found at

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On The Needles:(00:33)
Gigi is making progress on the border of her Kleio. Jasmin is working on her Breezy cardigan. Gigi finished one of the Hobbit socks for Mr. Knitmore and started the second one. Jasmin has gotten to the border of her Daybreak. Gigi has also finished two preemie hats.
We discuss the United States Olympic Committee issuing a cease and desist order prohibiting the use of the term "Ravelympics". We also mentioned the "Woolsack Project", the iMake podcast, and the Yarn Harlot's blog response.
September 3rd, we are planning to attend the Monterey Wool Auction, at the Monterey County Fairgrounds.
Spring Cleaning Contest, ends July 2nd. Read the thread on the board and get ideas and contribute your own! Jasmin is upping the ante- for each extra 50 entries we are adding a new prize.
For the first 200 entries, we have THREE prize packs from the Bar Maids that each include:
- A Lo-lo to go bar
- A Lo-lo body bar
- A cuticle intensive stick
- An O' For Feets Sake
And our fourth prize is a subscription to Entangled Magazine
For our fifth prize we added an XRX book duo including: Swing, Swagger, Drape
For our sixth prize we added a Pagewood Farms Tinkerbell Needle Felted Silk Scarf Kit, donated by Purlescense Yarns.
For our seventh prize we added two pairs of sock blockers by ChappysMom, one set has cats on them, and the other set has skull and crossbones.
Jasmin is challenging listeners to add more entries and offering another prize: a hank of Tess Yarns microfiber ribbon, and a hank of Tess Yarn "Whiskers"
Jasmin also mentions tidying while talking to Abby of Knit Knit Cafe podcast
Mother Knows Best:(26:29)
Today we answer a question from the "What do you want to hear about thread": Repair a sock or not?
We mentioned Dream in Color Smooshy Yarn
This week we review Spin to Knit
We mention roving from Shari of Morro Fleece Works, and Dr Gemma's Cogknitive Retreat, and Judith McCuin McKenzie. Also: Abby Franquemont's Respect the Spindle
And Sew On:(45:21)
Jasmin is learning to sew curved edges on her Evolution serger. Nascar and Mario Cars come up in the conversation. A new sewing machine needle is needed for each new project, and ball point needles for knits.
Straw Into Gold:(49:38)
Jasmin has been working on her SPAKAL sweater, and is spinning on a drop spindle.
Tour de Fleece is coming up, watch Team Sasquatch!