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This week's episode has been sponsored by:

Abstract Fiber would like to invite you to join our first yarn club! We are excited to offer a 6 issue yarn club we’re calling One Skein/Two Skein. Every other month we’ll send you a new exclusive yarn color and pattern. We’ll do some solid colors, some colorways and will introduce some new luxurious yarns too. Each pattern will have flexibility for expansion, for example companion pieces, or multiple size and style options. You’ll have the option to buy extra skeins just when you want them. Spinners, we’ll have a fiber option for you too! We’re working with some of our favorite designers, starting out in February with a beautiful shawl by Sivia Harding. Check out all the details at

Breaking news! You can be even more kissable than you are right now… Lo-Lo Lips by Bar Maids, the makers of the exquisite Lo-Lo Bar, is one of the best lip balms available. Some lip balms can cause your skin to dry out if you stop using them, or if you lose them (and let’s face it, we ALL lose them), and you can end up chapped and raw. This product doesn’t force you to reapply in order to maintain the healthy balanced level of moisture ideal for your beautiful lips. 8 tasty flavors, no parabens, no fillers, no dyes – just a natural lip moisturizer that has everything your lips want and nothing they don’t. You don’t have to use a product that your lips get hooked on. There is another option. The truth is, your LIPS may not get addicted, but I dare anyone to try it and not feel like an addict! Kiss me, Lo-Lo, I’m in LOVE!
Have you picked up your copy of Lisa Souza and Vicki Stiefel's book, "10 Secrets of the LaidBack Knitters
It is a great read with stories, profiles of interesting fiber folk
that you may or may not already know as well as 28 great patterns of all
shapes and sizes for both knitting and crochet. If you're a seasoned
spinner or a newbie, there is a chapter on this fiber art that includes
patterns to show off your own handspun yarn. The book is available at
all of the usual sources but if you purchase one through Lisa Souza's
website, she will sign and personalize it just for you OR for the people
on your holiday gift list. Find it a

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!
On the Needles:(00:39)
Gigi has put a few more rows on her Origami sweater. Jasmin worked on her Breezy Cardigan. Gigi finished a Rocky Coast sleeve. Andrews sweater is not growing much. Jasmin tried the Yarn Harlot's Irish Cottage style knitting on the Snug cardigan. Gigi also worked on the sleeves of the Odelia cardigan. Jasmin has been weaving a scarf out of Jade Sapphire 2 ply cashmere on her Cricket Loom. Gigi is going to bind off the Pieman neck warmer. She also finished hemming all of the receiving blankets for Sharkbean, but she couldn't use a hemming foot
02/23-26/2012: Stitches West 2012.
-No official Meet-and-Greet, but do come and say hi!
-We will have Preemie hat collection points (to be announced)
-Still looking for a signal for shy listeners
We mentioned Alison Hyde, author of Wrapped in Comfort
Do some good. Get your entries in by December 25th.
We have launched our annual Do Some Good Contest, and we picked some amazing prizes:
- a set of three Lolo Bars: CC clove, Little Pumpkin, and Figgy
- a signed copy of Coastal Knits
- one year subscription to Knitter's Magazine
- a set of Knitter's Blocks
- as of this week: one copy of How to Knit a Heart Back Home
Mother Knows Best:(21:26)
We discussed repairing handknit socks. Jasmin mentioned the eggepinne she purchased for darning socks.
When Knitting Attacks:(30:03)
Jasmin was attacked by the yarn for her Snug sweater.
Holidays with the Knitmores:(34:07)
We had some good ideas for spreading the holiday spirit. Say something nice, recognize good customer service, and stretch your vocabulary when you're telling people to have a nice day.
We review 60 More Quick Knits
Straw Into Gold:(48:22)
Jasmin hasn't figured out how work the miniSpinner around her belly.
Jasmin got a box full of clean fleece from Sherri from Morro Fleece Works, which includes some alpaca.
Oh no! It looks like there is an extra space at the end of the link for the download.