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Here at Abstract Fiber we’re busy getting ready for OFFF and SOAR. We’ve got some fabulous new colors including Summit, Lagoon, SOAR, The Gorge. The next best thing to being at SOAR is our SOAR colorway, the color of Autumn leaves. Available now at .

Purlescence Yarns is the Bay Area's destination yarn shop. From the best in spinning and weaving equipment to luxurious yarns and fibers, we have what you need to make your fibery dreams a reality. We're always happy to provide mail order service for Knitmore Girls listeners. Call us today, it'll be on its way!

Meet Lo-Lo by Bar-Maids, "The Hottest Natural Moisturizers in the Fiber World”. Bar-Maids handcrafts head-to-toe moisturizers for people who wish to proactively protect, defend, and restore their skin to baby bottom soft. Bar-Maids uses only the finest local ingredients available creating non-greasy, non-sticky, non-flaky combinations that penetrate multiple layers of the skin working to soften and nourish. Once applied, the moisturizer remains where you put it and is not washed down the drain. With over 38 scents (that smell wonderful), and 8 lip balm flavors that taste yummy, it's hard to choose just one. Find out how you can keep your hands moisturized and beautiful while knitting up a storm at Fair shipping practices, cruelty free, and fast turn around times are just icing on the cake.
On the Needles: (00:30)
Jasmin is working on projects out of her UFO bin. She is making tracks on the Garter Yolk Cardigan. It needs buttons and button bands, and she will pick up some grosgrain ribbon for finishing it. Also, the baby sweater for Logan needs ribbon. She worked on her Sothia with a number of different needles. She used some from Jenkins, that have nice points, she then moved to CocoBolo needles from Asciano, and then moved to Chia-goo needles, and finished up with Addi Turbos.
She has also dredged up her Cassidy out of her UFO bin, that she is knitting out of Miro in the colorway Rosewood from Abstract Fiber, while she was watching Alien Resurrection. Also, she is occasionally working on the Prairie Blanket by Oat Couture. And she is also occasionally working on the Vanilla sock out of Trekking in her purse.
Gigi is working on her second Ophidian out of green Heritage, and is not liking her needles as much as the Chia-goo needles. She is also working on the garter stitch section of the Sothia, and there are a lot of stitches. She is knitting it out of Abstract Fiber's Mighty Socks in Silver and Little Black Dress.
She is also very excited about the prospect of downloading patterns from the Burda website.
Gigi and Jasmin attended the stash swap at Purlescence, and Jasmin came back with a good haul.
Mother Knows Best : ( 25:31)
We answered a question as to where to get advice and where to order from. Jasmin has ordered from Eat, Sleep, Knit, also Webs and Abstract Fiber, as well as Purlescence with good results. She is not fond of Patternworks. Here we shop at Purlescence, Bobbin's Nest and Yarn Dogs.
As to getting help and advice for knitting problems, and building a knitting group, Jasmin would make friends with people at the yarn store and build a knitting group that way. She suggested finding people by sitting at a coffee shop and knitting there and waiting for knitters to approach. Panera Restaurants seem to be very knitter friendly. seems to be a good place to find knitters. Also: find the local knitters through ravelry groups, and making yourself approachable in a public place.
Gigi suggested taking knitting to the kids' school functions and catching other knitters there. Check the bulletin board at your local knit store.
We also mentioned the Monkey Business Episode.
Review: (37:33)
This week, we review the Stitch Light by Buffy Ann Designs.
Jasmin got dirty looks using it at a bar at Stitches. We were using them watching The Good Guys in the backyard and using the lights. Gigi couldn't get it to work hanging it from her neck. Then she strapped it on her head and nearly blinded Jasmin when she turned to her. It has a very strong light. Jasmin dangled it from her neck, and the lens got really hot.
Andrew bought a head lamp from REI that works much better. We didn't find it comfortable, and we couldn't make it work for us. We do not recommend it.
Straw into Gold: (43:25)
Jasmin ran 9 ounces short on the yarn she is spinning for Andrew's sweater, because she didn't do the math right. So she has to spin more.
We also took advantage of the nice weather and cleaned two spinning wheels, Jasmin's Schacht Reeves and a friends Schacht Matchless. They used Murphy's Oil Soap to clean the wheels and after drying the wheels polished them with Wood Beams. After letting the wheels sit in the sun for a while and cure, the wheels got wiped off and buffed and now they both look glorious.